Industry News

Succession planning examined in April’s Advisor’s Edge

(April 14, 2005) It’s pretty hard to take someone’s advice when they don’t follow it themselves. Have you ever had a doctor tell you to lose weight, when they were, shall we say, a little on the stout side? One of the prime clients advisors seek is the small business owner, who invariably needs help […]

By Steven Lamb |April 14, 2005

2 min read

Income trust boom not sustainable, analyst warns

(April 14, 2005) Income trusts have enjoyed a lengthy winning streak, but there are dark clouds on the horizon, particularly in the oil and gas sector, cautions Clément Gignac, chief economist at National Bank Financial. Over the past three years, trusts have averaged annual returns of 25%, with energy trusts faring even better, at 31%. […]

By Doug Watt |April 14, 2005

2 min read

Removal of FPR rational, not earth-shaking, says CIBC

(April 13, 2005) History suggests that the amount of foreign content in registered pension plans won’t change significantly, despite Ottawa’s proposal to eliminate the 30% cap. A report from CIBC World Markets on foreign content in Canadian pension plans and RRSPs notes that in the heady days of the tech boom, foreign content did jump, […]

By Doug Watt |April 13, 2005

2 min read

Investors finally getting it right: Dalbar

(April 13, 2005) In what is being hailed as a first, the average American equity mutual fund investor outperformed the overall S&P 500 in 2004, according to financial researcher Dalbar’s annual Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behaviour study. “Average investors earned more in 2004 than the hypothetical buy & hold S&P 500 investor because inflows continued […]

By Steven Lamb |April 13, 2005

2 min read