Industry News

Dodge calls for harmonized securities laws

(September 22, 2005) Bank of Canada governor David Dodge says there is no need for different rules to be applied province-by-province, repeating that the country needs some sort of harmonized securities regulatory system. “Efficiency dictates that Canada should have uniform securities laws and regulations based on principles that apply to everyone,” Dodge said in a […]

By Doug Watt |September 22, 2005

3 min read

Boomers vulnerable to fraud, study suggests

(September 21, 2005) An academic study of B.C.’s notorious Eron Mortgage scam suggests that pre-retirement investors, as well as those who consider themselves highly knowledgeable, may be more vulnerable to fraud than the general population. The report also calls for regulatory reform to protect investors in the private market and a new push on investor […]

By Doug Watt |September 21, 2005

2 min read

Receiver details Portus investments, recommends bankruptcy

(September 20, 2005) After six months, and nine reports, receiver KPMG has offered a first accounting of the Portus Group’s investment structure, a structure so complex that the receiver says it is not practical to trace Portus investments back to individual investors. Instead, the receiver has recommended that the best way for 29,000 investors to […]

By Scot Blythe |September 20, 2005

4 min read

Trusts blindsided by Ottawa

(September 20, 2005) If you haven’t jumped on the income trust bandwagon yet, it might be too late. Monday’s announcement by Ottawa that it is suspending advanced tax rulings on income trusts has sent an instant chill through the industry. Effective immediately, the Canadian Revenue Agency will not offer advanced opinions on trust structures regardless […]

By Mark Brown |September 20, 2005

4 min read