Industry News

Charitable giving seen as missed opportunity for advisors

Advisors who aren’t getting involved in planned charitable giving strategies with their clients are missing out on potential opportunities and ways to strengthen the advisor-client relationship, experts say. Many advisors give back to the community in the way of volunteer time and their own personal contributions, but a huge opportunity exists to suggest charitable giving […]

By Kate McCaffery |November 8, 2005

3 min read

Industrial Alliance trumps CI bid for Clarington

Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services is taking over Clarington in a friendly takeover valued at $273 million. Clarington’s board has approved the bid, which comes one week after CI’s offer of $254 million. In a press release issued early Monday morning, Industrial Alliance said it had tendered a cash offer for Clarington, at a […]

By Doug Watt |November 7, 2005

2 min read


(November 11, 2005) AGF has launched a new fund-of-fund investment, touted as being so tolerant to sharp downward swings, the firm is promising investors up to 0.9% in the form of new units if the fund doesn’t beat its benchmark over a three year annualized period. The new product is called AGF Elements, and uses […]

By Staff |November 7, 2005

13 min read

Mortgage brokers to promote designation

The Canadian Institute of Mortgage Brokers and Lenders (CIMBL) has announced it will transform itself from an industry association to a professional association over the coming year, built around the Accredited Mortgage Professional (AMP) designation. The designation was launched by CIMBL in January 2004, with almost 45% of the group’s member qualifying for the designation […]

By Steven Lamb |November 7, 2005

2 min read