Industry News

OSFI warns of reduced pension benefits

Sometimes getting a reduced benefit pension plan is better than no plan at all. This is the tough reality some pensioners may have to face going forward according to Nicholas Le Pan, head of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OFSI). OFSI has seen a marked increase in the number of plans seeking […]

By Mark Brown |February 16, 2006

2 min read

Venture financing shifting focus

The fourth quarter of 2005 offered a bounce in the venture capital industry, with rising distributions compensating for a soft third quarter, according to data collected by Thomson MacDonald and presented by Canada’s Venture Capital & Private Equity Association (CVCA). Nationwide, reported Q4 disbursements totaled $520 million, up from $292 million in Q3. Due to […]

By Steven Lamb |February 15, 2006

2 min read

Fund sales on a roll in January

Canada’s mutual fund industry enjoyed brisk sales in January, as investors pumped $1.6 billion in net new cash into funds, according to the latest data from IFIC. Including $533.1 million in re-invested dividends, net sales totaled $2.1 billion for the month. “It was an excellent month for sales of long term funds — the highest […]

By Steven Lamb |February 15, 2006

3 min read

Keep insurance out of banks, says Advocis

Advocis is fighting back against a proposal to offer insurance information in bank branches, saying that Canadians are concerned about the use of their personal information, as well as sales pressure at the banks. A survey released on Thursday, conducted by Pollara for Advocis, indicates that 78% of Canadians believe that the current prohibition on […]

By Doug Watt |February 15, 2006

3 min read