Industry News

CPP fund posts impressive year

Investment managers of the nation’s pension plan have announced the CPP earned a handsome return in the most recent fiscal year, nearly doubling last year’s gains on a percentage basis. For the 12 months ended March 31, the CPP fund posted an investment return of 15.5%, compared to 8.5% in the previous year. The CPP […]

By Steven Lamb |May 17, 2006

2 min read

Mackenzie tops investor statement survey

Investor statements are getting clearer, they look better and they provide more relevant information, but they still have room to improve according to research firm Dalbar’s 2006 Mutual Fund Investor Statement Analysis. Since the firm’s last survey two years ago, the industry has made several improvements to their investor statements, says Mark McDonald, Dalbar’s manager […]

By Mark Brown |May 17, 2006

4 min read

IDA announces new restitution plan

The funds must be available; The funds must be available; The loss can be clearly traced to the misconduct; Individuals who were wronged and are entitled to restitution can be easily identified; The amount of money owed can be easily ascertained; and, The fund can be simply and efficiently distributed. Still, Oliver concedes, “these circumstances […]

By Mark Brown |May 16, 2006

3 min read


(May 16, 2006) Standard Life is holding a special general meeting on May 31 in Edinburgh, Scotland to approve a plan to demutualize Europe’s biggest insurance company and list on the London Stock Exchange. Voting packages have been sent to Standard Life’s 2.4 million eligible members and 2.1 million policyholders around the world. This includes […]

By Staff |May 16, 2006

3 min read