Industry News

Central bank expects smooth sailing

The Bank of Canada has released its latest Monetary Policy Report Update, assuring Canadians that the economy is unfolding as expected, despite a shift in who is buying the goods and services we produce. “There was a further shift in the composition of demand towards consumption and away from exports,” the central bank said in […]

By Steven Lamb |July 13, 2006

3 min read


(July 12, 2006) The British Columbia Securities Commission has issued a notice of hearing against three men, including one already well-known in regulatory circles, alleging they violated the Securities Act between May and November 2002, by operating a Vancouver based phone room to encourage and pressure people to purchase the securities of issuers who billed […]

By Staff |July 12, 2006

4 min read

Portus receiver to seek MNPF investors

The receiver in the Portus affair has issued its second report on the Market Neutral Preservation Fund and the related MNB Trust, recommending that both the fund and the trust be wound up. As receiver, KPMG has also asked the court for permission to seek out creditors for these entities. According to KPMG, Portus managers […]

By Steven Lamb |July 12, 2006

2 min read

Bank stands pat on rates

The Bank of Canada is taking a breather on interest rate hikes, announcing Tuesday morning that it would hold its trend-setting overnight rate steady at 4.25%. “All factors considered, the Canadian economy is currently judged to be operating just above its production capacity,” the bank said. But it went on to say that 2007 and […]

By Steven Lamb |July 11, 2006

2 min read