Industry News

Beyond RESPs: Financial planning for children

Parents and grandparents always want the best for their kids. No matter how young your clients’ children may be, September is a good time to capitalize on all of the free back-to-school awareness and talk to your clients about education savings and related financial-planning opportunities. Education planning can sometimes take a backseat to more profitable […]

By Kate McCaffery |August 29, 2006

4 min read


(August 28, 2006) The ASC has issued a notice of hearing into allegations against a number of people related to Maitland Capital, an Ontario-based company that has never been registered with the Alberta regulator. The notice of hearing names Maitland’s two directors, Al Grossman — also president of the company — and Hanoch Ulfan, along […]

By Staff |August 28, 2006

3 min read

Saxon seeks closer ties with advisors

The balance between a public mutual-fund company’s commitment to investors in its funds and those who have bought into the company is a tenuous one. Saxon Financial has experienced this first-hand since going public in July 2005. Since then, its commitment to building its business towards the advisor channel has been as steadfast as its […]

By Mark Brown |August 28, 2006

4 min read


(August 25, 2006) The latest salvo has been fired in the debate over active-versus-passive management, with the release of the Standard & Poors latest scorecard on performance. According to the S&P’s Indices Versus Active Funds Scorecard (SPIVA) for Canada, 81.2% of actively-managed Canadian equity funds underperformed the S&P/TSX Composite Index in the first six months […]

By Staff |August 25, 2006

3 min read