Industry News

Prospectuses made simple

Say goodbye to the 80-plus page “simplified” prospectus for investment products, It’s about to get a lot shorter. In keeping with the Ontario Securities Commission push for plain-speak, the commission is working with security and insurance regulators to examine ways of simplifying the disclosure documents given to investors. In a speech to the Economic Club […]

By Mark Brown |April 26, 2007

2 min read


(April 25, 2007) In terms of provincial economic growth last year, Alberta continues to lead the nation. For the third consecutive year, Alberta had Canada’s fastest growing economy, which grew at a rate of 6.8%, more than double the national average, Statistics Canada reports. Energy prices and continued investment in the oil sands spurred Alberta’s […]

By Staff |April 25, 2007

3 min read

BCSC cautions against retail FOREX trading

The British Columbia Securities Commission has noticed a sharp increase in the number of people contacting it about losses incurred by foreign exchange trading. The trend has prompted the provincial regulator to warn individual investors about the perils of trading in foreign currency. “We are seeing an increase in the number of people doing FOREX […]

By Mark Noble |April 25, 2007

2 min read

Government inaction

Advisors’ warnings about the baby boomer retirement crisis may be falling on deaf ears — but not for much longer. Only after a slew of boomers start to retire in the next few years will governments recognize the effect on publicly funded services and productivity, says Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve. […]

By Deanne Gage |April 25, 2007

3 min read