Industry News

IIAC takes issue with IDA notices

There comes a time in every kid’s life where they have to challenge their parents. In this case, the Investment Industry Association of Canada, which used to be part of the Investment Dealers Association, has a beef with the SRO. In early July the IIAC sent Paul Bourque, the IDA’s senior vice-president of member regulation, […]

By Bryan Borzykowski |July 27, 2007

2 min read

Some Portus money to flow in the fall

The 26,000 investors who put $792 million into managed accounts with Portus Group will see some money starting early in the fall. So far, Portus’s trustee in bankruptcy has traced roughly $150 million in cash. But Robert Rusko, senior vice-president at KPMG, says the first allocation to Portus clients will be less than the amount […]

By Scot Blythe |July 27, 2007

3 min read


But, says the report, base metal prices have rallied in late July, because of positive news about China’s GDP growth. The Forest Product Index jumped from 96.2% to 100.3% from May to June, as prices for lumber and oriented strand board offset weakness in newsprint, pulp and linerboard prices. Another report — the PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Global […]

By Staff |July 26, 2007

3 min read

Canadian bull looking tired

It usually comes as no surprise when a global money manager suggests investors trim their Canadian equity exposure and invest their profits offshore. But when a Canadian equity fund manager expresses concern about the health of the current bull-run, investors may want to pay attention. “The Canadian equity market as we all know has been […]

By Steven Lamb |July 26, 2007

3 min read