Stakeholders weigh in on Canada Job Grant

By Staff | July 26, 2013 | Last updated on July 26, 2013
2 min read

In May, Canadian officials announced they were planning a series of cross-Canada roundtable discussions about the proposed Canada Job Grant.

The program is being introduced as part of the renewal of our country’s Labour Market Agreements.

In planning the roundtables, the government’s aim was to get input on the grant program’s design and implementation from key stakeholders. This included employers, labour organizations and training institutions.

Read: Stakeholders will help implement Canada Job Grant

And now, the Human Resources and Skills Development Canada says there’s been widespread support for the program. Here’s a selection of industry comments:

Canadian Electricity Association

In a press release, the CEA said the federal government is addressing the skilled labour shortage. Jim Burpee, president and CEO of the organization says, “The training and development of Canada’s workforce is critical to the country’s competitiveness and economic growth potential. The Canada Job Grant creates opportunities for apprentices, provides support to underrepresented groups and promotes education in high-demand fields.”

Canada Manufacturers & Exporters

CME told Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters’ magazine in June that nearly 50% of its member companies are experiencing labour shortages, according to a 2013 survey. Due to those shortages, one third of its companies are facing output constraints. More alarmingly, many say they’re considering moving production outside of Canada. So, CME said last month that solving Canada’s labour challenges will require a focused effort to improve the quality of our labour pools.

Read: Canadian manufacturers expect low growth

Canadian Welding Bureau

In a press release, this organization said the move to create new opportunities for apprentices will help its industry meet the needs of the Building Canada Fund, which aims to get more infrastructure projects off the ground. These projects will demand a highly trained and skilled workforce.

The Forest Products Association of Canada

In a press release, this group said the Canada Job Grant proposal will help the forest sector reach its goal of recruiting an additional 60,000 workers by 2020, more including women, Aboriginals immigrants.


Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating

CIPH president, Ralph Suppa, told Mechanical Business in May that “a recent survey [found] about 40% of our members will be hiring in the immediate future.” They’re offering “great…stable jobs [with]…competitive salaries and room for growth.” He adds the Canada Job Grant program will help plumbing and heating companies recruit workers with…specialized skills.”

Craig Alexander, TD Bank economist

In a press release, Alexander said the skills training initiative is a “step in the right direction.”


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