Season’s Greetings from The ADVISOR Group

By Staff | December 24, 2004 | Last updated on December 24, 2004
2 min read

(December 24, 2004) Even if you are stuck in the middle of year-end tax planning and the approaching RRSP season, many of you still find time over the holiday season to thank your clients for their business. In that spirit, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for using the services that The ADVISOR Group at Rogers Publishing provides.

The ADVISOR Group includes the website and daily e-mail bulletins that many of you subscribe to, as well as Advisor’s Edge magazine, our French-language publication Objectif Conseiller, and our conference division, which includes the five-city Advisor Forum tour that wrapped up earlier this month in Toronto.

We are very excited about the launch in January of a brand new member of the ADVISOR family. In 2005, subscribers to Advisor’s Edge magazine will also receive a newspaper called Advisor’s Edge Report.

While the magazine will continue to focus on practice management, the new publication will delve more deeply into the investment and insurance solutions advisors provide for their clients.

Advisor’s Edge Report is free to advisors already receiving Advisor’s Edge magazine. If you don’t currently receive the magazine, you can subscribe for free by clicking here.

We look forward to your feedback on this new offering. As always, we welcome any feedback you can provide on any of our services to you.

From all of us, we wish you the very best of the season and hope that 2005 brings you prosperity in your business and joy in your life.


Ann McDonagh, Publisher; Darin Diehl, Executive Editor, Associate Publisher

(12/24/04) staff


The staff of have been covering news for financial advisors since 1998.