
Foreign investors spurned Canada while markets struggled in September

(November 25, 2002) While Canadian investors pulled money from mutual funds in September, foreign investors sold Canadian equities and money market paper. Foreign investors reduced their holdings of Canadian securities by a net $1.6 billion in September, said a report by Statistics Canada today. North American equity markets were weak in September — for example, […]

By Jim MacDonald |November 25, 2002

2 min read

Financial services network seen as alternative to national securities regulator

(November 22, 2002) Canada’s financial services industry should set aside the debate over the creation of a national securities regulator and instead focus on building a complete network, encompassing all industry and regulatory functions, says Mark Daniels, chair of the Financial Services Council of Canada. A fully-integrated, country-wide network is essential to ensure the long-term […]

By Doug Watt |November 22, 2002

3 min read

The calm after the Advocis storm on Talvest Town Hall

(November 22, 2002) For the past month financial advisors have debated the merits of the new name of Canada’s largest professional association for advisors.’s online message board has provided a forum for staunch supporters and determined opponents of Advocis, and attracted comments from interested bystanders and various other commentators. Yet the vigorous Advocis debate […]

By Jim MacDonald |November 22, 2002

2 min read

Charitable givers: Canadians donated more to charities in 2001

(November 21, 2002) Canadians reached into their pocketbooks to give more to charities last year. Statistics Canada says 5.5 million taxfilers reported charitable donations totalling $5.51 billion in 2001, compared with gifts of almost $5.44 billion the year before. There was roughly the same number of donors in 2000. The 2001 donations increased 1.4% from […]

By Jim MacDonald |November 21, 2002

2 min read