
Advisor Forum update: Planned giving requires advice

(October 9, 2003) Older investors who’ve managed to build an estate, sometimes considerable, sometimes not, are concerned less with managing the buildup of their capital than with the appropriate reinvestment of their capital when they pass on. One could read that as a coded anti-estate-tax message. But it’s actually more complicated than that. It can […]

By Scot Blythe |October 9, 2003

5 min read

Markets set for further gains, says analyst

(October 9, 2003) It’s been a year since North America’s stock markets bottomed out and began showing signs of recovery. And although the rally has been tentative at times, one analyst is predicting markets will continue to rise well into the new year. Larry Berman, chief technical strategist at CIBC World Markets, expects two benchmark […]

By Doug Watt |October 9, 2003

2 min read

Survey: Opposition to bank mergers a

(October 9, 2003) Canadian banks are shrouded in myth, leaving Canadians unsure how to proceed with market consolidation in the financial services industry, according to an Environics survey for Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Canada. The survey reveals that Canadians believe the banks to be giants not only at home, but on a global scale, […]

By Steven Lamb |October 9, 2003

2 min read

Rising loonie could spark interest rate cut

(October 8, 2003) The Canadian dollar hit a seven-year high against its U.S. counterpart yesterday, leading to increased speculation the Bank of Canada will move to reduce interest rates next week in an effort to keep the soaring loonie under control. The loonie opened at 75.08 cents US Wednesday morning, an 18% increase since the […]

By Doug Watt |October 8, 2003

2 min read