
FSCO shuts down Myrtie Rose

(December 29, 2004) Ontario’s Superintendent of Financial Services is warning the public to avoid dealing with Myrtie Rose Benefit Program Inc., pointing out the company is not licensed in the province. On December 24, 2004, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) issued an Interim Cease and Desist Order against the company and its directors […]

By Steven Lamb |December 29, 2004

1 min read

Year in review: Regulatory reform stalls

(December 29, 2004) This time last year, the winds of regulatory reform were swirling, with a number of important projects on the go. But 12 months later, little has changed and the prospect of a single national securities regulator still seems distant. In December 2003, the federally-appointed wise persons committee (WPC) released a comprehensive report, […]

By Doug Watt |December 29, 2004

3 min read

Season’s Greetings from The ADVISOR Group

(December 24, 2004) Even if you are stuck in the middle of year-end tax planning and the approaching RRSP season, many of you still find time over the holiday season to thank your clients for their business. In that spirit, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for using the services that The […]

By Staff |December 24, 2004

2 min read

Charitable donation deadline looming

(December 24, 2004) Clients wanting to make a charitable donation are running out of time, if they want to claim it on their 2004 tax filing. Perhaps a gentle reminder is in order, pointing out that New Year’s Day will be too late. Canadians tend to be a charitable lot, with 91% making either cash […]

By Steven Lamb |December 24, 2004

3 min read