
U.S. slowdown could affect Canada

(June 28, 2005) The Canadian economy should continue to perform well through 2005, but imbalances in the U.S. economy could take a toll north of the border in 2006, according to the latest forecast by TD Economics. “A number of major imbalances have developed in the U.S. economy that are likely to come home to […]

By Steven Lamb |June 28, 2005

2 min read

IDA conference update: Canadian Securities Institute for sale

(June 28, 2005) The Investment Dealers Association is selling off the Canadian Securities Institute. The announcement by the IDA’s outgoing chair and promises of regulatory reform were all part of presentations at the IDA annual general meeting and conference this week in Banff, Alberta. Outgoing chair Brian Porter and newly-appointed chair Ross Sherwood addressed delegates […]

By Kate McCaffery |June 28, 2005

3 min read


(June 30, 2005) The U.S. Federal Reserve has nudged its trend-setting overnight lending rate higher by 25 basis points to 3.25%. The move was widely predicted and already priced into the market. Fed chairman Alan Greenspan’s commented that more rate hikes were likely to come, citing inflation threats. Greenspan said additional rate hikes would come […]

By Staff |June 27, 2005

11 min read

Make compliance work for you, says consultant

suitability suitability unregistered activity misrepresentation/omission regarding investment high-pressure sales practices unauthorized trading Most of these are easily within the ethical advisor’s control, particularly unregistered activity, misrepresentation and unauthorized trading. But it is far easier for an advisor to honestly slip up regarding suitability. Murray reminds advisors that knowing clients is an ongoing process, not simply […]

By Steven Lamb |June 27, 2005

2 min read