
Confidence is strong, but are job stats misleading?

(July 12, 2005) Canadians are optimistic about their economic future, due in large part to stable interest rates and falling unemployment numbers, but critics say consumers are being misled by job creation statistics. Despite volatile number reported by the University of Michigan, Canadian confidence has remained steady and strong during the past three quarters. Today, […]

By Kate McCaffery |July 12, 2005

3 min read

Crocus hit with $200 million lawsuit

(July 12, 2005) A class action has been filed against Manitoba’s Crocus Investment Fund. The statement of claim, which seeks $150 million in damages, plus an additional $50 million in punitive damages, was issued on Tuesday in Winnipeg. It names 17 former executives and board members of the troubled labour fund, which announced last month […]

By Doug Watt |July 12, 2005

2 min read


(July 15, 2005) An Ontario court has convicted Andrew Rankin on 11 counts of illegal tipping, but cleared him on 10 charges of insider trading, drawing to a close his six-week insider trading trial. The former managing director of RBC Dominion Securities’ mergers-and-acquisitions branch was charged with passing insider information to his childhood friend Daniel […]

By Staff |July 11, 2005

12 min read

Economists weigh in on Canadian outlook

(July 11, 2005) Economists say Canadian economic growth could peak in 2006, then pull back to higher but more moderate levels. Summer forecasting season is well underway and the consensus so far puts Canadian GDP growth between 2.9% and 3.4% in the coming year. The latest reports — one from BMO Financial Group and another […]

By Kate McCaffery |July 11, 2005

3 min read