
CPP reserve fund swells to $87 billion

(August 11, 2005) The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) is beefing up its real estate and infrastructure holdings in an ongoing effort to diversify and hedge pension assets against inflation. In the last quarter, the board nearly doubled its real estate holdings to meet those objectives. Overall, the CPP reserve fund grew $5.7 billion […]

By Kate McCaffery |August 11, 2005

2 min read

Equity offerings flag in second quarter

(August 11, 2005) Despite a strong rally in the Canadian equity market in the first half of 2005, there has been a dramatic decline in financing activity through the second quarter, according to the IDA. Total new equity issuance has fallen by 15% — both in terms of the number of deals and their value […]

By Steven Lamb |August 11, 2005

3 min read

Elimination of FPR will also affect pension plans

(August 10, 2005) Removing the foreign property rule has shifted considerations in many areas of money management, including pensions, but where defined benefit (DB) plans have professionals determining appropriate asset mixes, clients with defined contribution (DC) plans could find themselves behind the curve. DB plan are typically handled by large investment managers. However in DC […]

By Kate McCaffery |August 10, 2005

2 min read

Supply squeeze favours oil sands investments

(August 10, 2005) Despite some optimistic predictions to the contrary, the world is entering a long-term period of high oil prices, as world demand surges and production increases only gradually, according to one senior strategist. “Over the last six years big oil has failed to replace their production,” says Donald Coxe, global portfolio strategist for […]

By Steven Lamb |August 10, 2005

3 min read