
New anti-money laundering rules

(October 14, 2005) Canada’s proposed new anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing legislation would impose onerous obligations on financial advisors, Advocis says in a submission to the federal government. Advocis commends Ottawa for attempting to put Canada in the forefront in the global fight against money laundering and terrorism. But the country’s largest advisor association maintains […]

By Doug Watt |October 14, 2005

2 min read

Trusts look stable, for now

(October 14, 2005) Standard & Poor’s issued two key decisions on income trust this week. First, the ratings agency said it would go ahead as planned and add trusts to the TSX starting in December. A day later, S&P decided not to alter its stability ratings on trusts — at least not yet. Both were […]

By Mark Brown |October 14, 2005

3 min read

Under the 49th: U.S. regulatory update

(October 13, 2005) It took more than three years, but self-regulatory organizations and state regulators in the U.S. finally harmonized their definition of “branch office” for examination, registration and supervision purposes. Late last year, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved a proposal hammered out by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), National Association of […]

By Philip Porado |October 13, 2005

3 min read

Women gaining financial confidence: survey

(October 13, 2005) Canadian women feel more secure about their financial future, but at the same time may need to assume more risk in their portfolio to achieve their retirement goals, according to a national survey commissioned by TD Waterhouse. Perhaps reflective of the overall retail investor market, 50% of women consider themselves to be […]

By Steven Lamb |October 13, 2005

2 min read