
Rich and restless

Advisors catering to the wealthy are facing a challenge — one that represents an opportunity to those looking to break into the affluent market: The wealthy are restless. That was the key message from Keith Sjogren, director of strategy consulting at Investor Economics, speaking this week at the Strategy Institute’s tenth annual conference on Marketing […]

By Steven Lamb |April 13, 2006

3 min read

Flaherty promises to cut taxes, reform regulation

It may be tough to accomplish with a minority government, but the new finance minister has assured the financial industry that he will stick to the Conservative Party’s promise to cut taxes while maintaining a balanced budget and paying down debt. Speaking to the Investment Dealers Association in Toronto on Tuesday night, Jim Flaherty also […]

By Steven Lamb |April 12, 2006

2 min read

Spring – time to get back into financial shape

Spring is a great motivator for getting into shape. This same principle can be applied by your clients to their finances. Often, the first step on the road to financial health is taking control of debt. For more great content from Fidelity, please visit our Advisor Center exclusively on Over the last decade, Canada […]

By Staff |April 12, 2006

1 min read

Canadians’ financial literacy lacking, study suggests

The assumption that most Canadians can make important financial decisions without help is likely false, a government-sponsored study suggests. Although there’s been relatively little research done on the topic, a recently-released report indicates that there are low levels of financial knowledge in Canada and other developed countries. The study, called “Why Financial Capability Matters,” a […]

By Doug Watt |April 12, 2006

3 min read