
IDA announces new restitution plan

The funds must be available; The funds must be available; The loss can be clearly traced to the misconduct; Individuals who were wronged and are entitled to restitution can be easily identified; The amount of money owed can be easily ascertained; and, The fund can be simply and efficiently distributed. Still, Oliver concedes, “these circumstances […]

By Mark Brown |May 16, 2006

3 min read


(May 16, 2006) Standard Life is holding a special general meeting on May 31 in Edinburgh, Scotland to approve a plan to demutualize Europe’s biggest insurance company and list on the London Stock Exchange. Voting packages have been sent to Standard Life’s 2.4 million eligible members and 2.1 million policyholders around the world. This includes […]

By Staff |May 16, 2006

3 min read

Can you prove your clients are informed?

Advisors need to make sure their clients understand the products and services they are receiving, or they could face trouble down the road, according to a pair of experts who are well versed in courtroom proceedings. Jim Bullock, an insurance industry veteran with more than 30 years experience, teamed up with lawyer Harold Geller this […]

By Steven Lamb |May 16, 2006

4 min read


(May 15, 2006) It’s a scenario that few have predicted, and may never happen, but what would it mean for investors if the Canadian dollar was level with the greenback? That all depends on the underlying economic forces pushing up the loonie, according to UBS Investment Research. Rising commodity prices, drive by solid global growth […]

By Staff |May 15, 2006

4 min read