
Fund review committees approved by regulators

It’s been seven years since the Canadian Securities Administrators retained Stephen Erlichman, a partner at law firm Fasken Martineau, to pen a report on mutual fund governance. The result of that report — National Instrument 81-107 — is finally ready to be adopted. While over the years Erlichman’s recommendations have lost some of its teeth, […]

By Mark Brown |July 28, 2006

3 min read


(July 27, 2006) Vancouver-based sustainable investment specialist Ethical Funds is now offering an F-class option on its entire fund family. Designed as an alternative to transaction-based programs, the F-class approach unbundles the trailer fees that are part of the MER, the company explained in a release. Instead of paying sales charges, investors pay a fee […]

By Staff |July 27, 2006

3 min read

Go global, reallocate within Canada

Canadian investors need to trim their domestic holdings and further diversify into foreign markets, according to the top portfolio managers from Franklin Templeton Investments, speaking in Toronto at the annual Outlook and Opportunities Forum. “One place we are not finding value is in Canada. That’s not to say we’re making any kind of call, we’re […]

By Steven Lamb |July 27, 2006

3 min read


(July 26, 2006) It’s official — the second quarter of 2006 was a tough time for investors. Major markets from around the world struggled through May and June, according to Mercer Investment Consulting’s Pooled Fund Survey. Even the relative safety of Canadian balanced funds proved shaky, as poor performance in both equities and fixed income […]

By Staff |July 26, 2006

4 min read