
Money markets boost fund sales in July

The Canadian mutual fund industry posted relatively solid sales in July, according to data from IFIC, ringing up net new sales of $854 million. Add to that $615 million in reinvested distributions, and total net sales reached $1.5 billion. In terms of net new cash, July was the best month since March. However, Rudy Luukko, […]

By Steven Lamb |August 15, 2006

3 min read

Many boomers haven’t started to plan for retirement: Study

By now most advisors have heard horror stories of people not planning for retirement, but how scary is it? Actually, it’s downright terrifying. According to a recent study by Forrester Research, four out of every 10 baby boomers in the U.S. between the ages of 41 and 50 have not started any financial planning for […]

By Mark Brown |August 15, 2006

3 min read


(August 14, 2006) Seneca College has officially launched its training centre for financial advisors, teaming up with several insurance and mutual fund companies. Like the general population, the advisory industry is graying, but the number of young people entering the profession has been lagging, especially on the insurance side. “Demand from the insurance and mutual […]

By Staff |August 14, 2006

2 min read

Dialogue with the OSC

The Ontario Securities Commission has announced the date for its annual securities regulation conference. Dialogue With The OSC is being held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre this year on Friday, November 10. The conference is touted as an opportunity for market participants and securities industry professionals to learn about the latest developments in capital […]

By Kate McCaffery |August 14, 2006

3 min read