

(December 21, 2006) The CSA is seeking comment on a proposed national instrument that would harmonize prospectus requirements across the country. National Instrument 41-101 General Prospectus Requirements, would provide a seamless and transparent set of general prospectus requirements. Currently, all CSA jurisdictions have similar but not identical prospectus requirements. “The major achievement of this proposal […]

By Staff |December 21, 2006

2 min read

Canadians less charitable than Americans, survey reveals

Although Canadians may like to think of themselves as more charitable than their U.S. neighbours, a new survey suggests that’s simply not the case. According to the Fraser Institute, the average value of charitable donations in Canada, based on income tax returns, is $1,214, compared to the U.S. average of $4,021 US. Wyoming has the […]

By Doug Watt |December 21, 2006

2 min read


(December 20, 2006) The majority of Canadians believe it’s a good time to invest in both RRSPs and RESPs, according to a survey released by Manulife Financial. Seventy-one per cent of those questioned for the insurance firm’s quarterly investor sentiment index said it’s either a good or very good time to invest in RRSPs, with […]

By Staff |December 20, 2006

2 min read

Managers turning optimistic on equities

Institutional money managers have taken a more positive outlook on the overall Canadian equity market, with bulls outnumbering bears for the first time since December 2005, according to the latest Russell Investment Manager Outlook survey. That is not to say they are throwing caution to the wind, however, as the greatest portion of respondents fall […]

By Steven Lamb |December 20, 2006

3 min read