
TD study cites debt as barrier to saving

While Canadians continue to under-fund their RRSPs, a new study suggests its not a lack of understanding the importance of retirement planning, but rather a habit of linear thinking that is forcing them to make an “either/or” decision: save or pay down debt. The sixth annual TD Waterhouse Investor Poll cites StatsCan data revealing that […]

By Mark Noble |February 7, 2007

3 min read


(February 6, 2007) A study by CIBC Capital Markets says Canadians will contribute nearly $33 billion to their RRSPs this year but will still fall well short of filling the $491 billion gap in unused RRSP room. The study, entitled Retirement: Ready or Not?, found that despite strong growth in overall RRSP contributions in 2005, […]

By Staff |February 6, 2007

5 min read

Institutions seek to mitigate environmental risk

It’s not easy being green, especially when it comes to building an investment portfolio, but it is getting simpler. The timing couldn’t be better as environmental risks become less theoretical and more concrete — in our lives and in our investments. Environmental risk isn’t something that makes it into the usual list of variables investors […]

By Mark Brown |February 6, 2007

3 min read


(February 5, 2007) RBC Financial’s latest RRSP poll finds that 61% of Canadians rate the amount of savings necessary for a comfortable retirement as an extremely important consideration in deciding when to retire. Following close behind, though, are a growing number of Canadians choosing lifestyle issues as a priority for their retirement. Fifty-four per cent […]

By Staff |February 5, 2007

5 min read