
Don’t extend accelerated CCA: Conference Board

A higher dollar might be good for your shopaholic clients, but it hurts manufacturers who rely on the American market for business. To combat the negative effects of a soaring loonie, the Canadian government introduced an accelerated capital cost allowance (CCA) in 2007, a tax deduction that, according to the Canada Revenue Agency, “allows a […]

By Bryan Borzykowski |August 13, 2008

4 min read


(August 12, 2008) While the high cost of energy has retreated from earlier peaks, it still weighs heavily on the minds of business leaders, driving a stake through the heart of corporate confidence, according to the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. Optimism toward the economy plunged to just 23% of respondents in the latest CICA/RBC […]

By Staff |August 12, 2008

3 min read

A view to a trill

Just because we live and work in Canada doesn’t mean we own the place — or does it? A new theoretical investment option that would allow investors to have an equity stake in the country’s economy could be on the horizon. But don’t think you can start calling the shots just yet. The “trill” — […]

By Bryan Borzykowski |August 12, 2008

4 min read

Retail ABCP holders ask regulators to intervene

Retail investors who had their savings in asset-backed commercial paper frozen with Canaccord Capital and Credential Securities are now urging regulators to step in and get their money back, despite a deal being struck in April to do just that. Clients of Canaccord and Credential, who represent the bulk of retail investors with their money […]

By Mark Noble |August 12, 2008

4 min read