
Managing the mosaic

It might sound outrageous, but back in the day Canadian investors generally stayed on in the cities they were born in. Today’s retirees travel across the country for months on end, while working stiffs pick up and move to another province if the right job pops up. While that’s great for Canada’s economic growth, all […]

By Bryan Borzykowski |October 1, 2008

8 min read


(October 1, 2008) The Standard Life Assurance Company of Canada has launched a new website to provide advisors and investors with insight into how their Standard Life mutual and segregated funds are managed. “In today’s competitive environment, we need to proactively position Standard Life Investments’ recognized institutional expertise to the retail marketplace,” said Michel Fortin, […]

By Staff |October 1, 2008

2 min read


(September 30, 2008) Northwater Capital Management Inc. announced on Tuesday that it has been advised one of the hedge funds in which it invested has been the victim of an alleged fraud. If the allegations are true, NCMI believes that it will have a material negative impact on the net asset value of the affected […]

By Staff |September 30, 2008

3 min read

Hartford launches Jenkins’s new fund

A day after what was arguably the worst day in the markets in more than a generation, Richard Jenkins still feels confident about his new firm, Black Creek Investment Management, launching a new mutual fund, which will be offered by Hartford Mutual Funds. Jenkins, a former lead manager at Trimark Investments, will helm the new […]

By Mark Noble |September 30, 2008

3 min read