
Friday’s close: Blythe on blogs, your letters and must-read news

Friday’s close is a new initiative to bring you something a little different — Scot Blythe presents his new, weekly round-up of the buzz on financial blogs called Tracking error, we bring you letters to the editor (send yours to, must-read articles, quotes of the week and occasionally a funny or useful story to […]

By Staff |March 27, 2009

3 min read

Superheroes, seg funds popular in tough times

Supermodels are getting fatter, movie box office sales are up 17.5% over last year, and lipstick has its own index. With no end in sight to the bear market, escapism appears to be trumping pragmatism. Investors are no exception. The reality of a market correction that has seen many lose 25% or more over the […]

By Brynna Leslie |March 27, 2009

4 min read

Tracking error: Blythe’s best of the blogs

Sometimes it takes a crisis to capture just how much things have changed. A few years ago, most blogs were highly personal, often very political, takes on the world. Many were written by well-known journalists; many more were written by anonymous axe-grinders. But as the financial crisis has accelerated, so has the proliferation of financial […]

By Scot Blythe |March 27, 2009

5 min read

Briefly: “Insurers call for smart regulation” and more news

The Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA) has added its voice to those of six other international insurance associations, calling on world leaders to tread carefully when they craft new regulations for the financial services industry. The industry wants leaders of the G20 nations, who will meet April 2 in London, to develop regulations […]

By Staff |March 27, 2009

3 min read