Fiscal cliff bill subsidizes Wall Street

By Staff | January 2, 2013 | Last updated on January 2, 2013
1 min read

It’s hard to imagine the recently passed fiscal cliff bill in the U.S. could have anything to do with Hollywood, NASCAR and Puerto Rico’s rum industry — or a subsidy for Wall Street.

Turns out, it does.

This Washington Post report uncovers many of the lesser-known aspects of the fiscal cliff deal.

Terming them “seedy giveaways,” the report highlights some of the more “curious tax provisions” in the fiscal cliff bill and offers insight into “how messy the tax code is, and will continue to be for another year.”

For example, the cliff deal would extend the current arrangement where the U.S. transfers most of the revenue collected through the Rum Excise Tax to Puerto Rico, where it’s said to support local rum industry.

Also read:

U.S. passes fiscal cliff bill

Fiscal cliff FAQ

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Fiscal cliff could raise cross-border taxes staff


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