Family matters: CIFPs gears up for first conference

By Jennifer McLaughlin | May 30, 2003 | Last updated on May 30, 2003
3 min read
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    It’s also a family-oriented event. A lot of people are bringing their spouses and children with them. We have a spouses’ program where spouses can participate in certain events and meals, and there are kids programs, so you can integrate your whole family into the program. It’s a unique concept — we want to create a family from an association perspective, so we are really trying to make it so that it is all-encompassing. Because it’s your first conference, do you think some advisors and financial planners are going to the conference out of curiosity to see what it’s all about?

    Keith Costello: From my perspective, and it’s based on preliminary data, most of the people who are coming — about 98% have joined already. I believe they are coming because they want to be a part of this new association and family. I don’t think they are coming out of curiosity. For most people who are coming, this is a serious endeavour. I think financial planners can see from the program that the value is implicit. How many people are planning to attend?

    Keith Costello: We are going to have about 150 at the event. That’s pretty good for a first go-around. We wanted to keep it small. Years to come it will be bigger, but for now we wanted to keep it very personal and cozy. The venue and the program are set that so that people feel comfortable; it’s not a big trade show type conference where there is a whole bunch of delegates. At this event, everyone should be able to meet each other, which we think is great.

    Keep in mind that this conference was put together in the space of two or three months, so we are very happy with the number of people who are embracing it. And, there’s still time, too, for people who still want to register or just come at the door. We provide for that, too.

    • • •

    Filed by Jennifer McLaughlin, Advisor’s Edge,


    Jennifer McLaughlin

  • Association counting on community, clarity to woo new members
  • CIFPs elects John Charrette first chair of association
  • A look inside the global CFP village
  • Planner’s “worst nightmare” offers advisors tips on avoiding lawsuits
  • What is a financial planner?

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    It’s also a family-oriented event. A lot of people are bringing their spouses and children with them. We have a spouses’ program where spouses can participate in certain events and meals, and there are kids programs, so you can integrate your whole family into the program. It’s a unique concept — we want to create a family from an association perspective, so we are really trying to make it so that it is all-encompassing. Because it’s your first conference, do you think some advisors and financial planners are going to the conference out of curiosity to see what it’s all about?

    Keith Costello: From my perspective, and it’s based on preliminary data, most of the people who are coming — about 98% have joined already. I believe they are coming because they want to be a part of this new association and family. I don’t think they are coming out of curiosity. For most people who are coming, this is a serious endeavour. I think financial planners can see from the program that the value is implicit. How many people are planning to attend?

    Keith Costello: We are going to have about 150 at the event. That’s pretty good for a first go-around. We wanted to keep it small. Years to come it will be bigger, but for now we wanted to keep it very personal and cozy. The venue and the program are set that so that people feel comfortable; it’s not a big trade show type conference where there is a whole bunch of delegates. At this event, everyone should be able to meet each other, which we think is great.

    Keep in mind that this conference was put together in the space of two or three months, so we are very happy with the number of people who are embracing it. And, there’s still time, too, for people who still want to register or just come at the door. We provide for that, too.

    • • •

    Filed by Jennifer McLaughlin, Advisor’s Edge,
