Energy companies warned of human rights risks

By Doug Watt | August 17, 2005 | Last updated on August 17, 2005
2 min read
  • Maintaining transparency of community-building investments to eliminate corruption
  • Implementing crisis management plans that include strong public protests directed at host governments that become implicated in human rights violations
  • Developing clear triggers that describe the human rights conditions when the company will leave the host country
  • Demanding joint venture partners are equally committed to international human rights
  • Committing to a comprehensive human rights policy rollout including senior responsibilities, training, monitoring and public reporting.

    Filed by Doug Watt,,


    Doug Watt

  • Ensuring security forces hired to protect corporate assets do not contribute to violations
  • Maintaining transparency of community-building investments to eliminate corruption
  • Implementing crisis management plans that include strong public protests directed at host governments that become implicated in human rights violations
  • Developing clear triggers that describe the human rights conditions when the company will leave the host country
  • Demanding joint venture partners are equally committed to international human rights
  • Committing to a comprehensive human rights policy rollout including senior responsibilities, training, monitoring and public reporting.

    Filed by Doug Watt,,
