Editor’s note: Advisor.ca gets a makeover

By Doug Watt | October 18, 2005 | Last updated on October 18, 2005
2 min read

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably noticed some major changes to the Advisor.ca website. In an effort to make our site cleaner looking and easier to navigate, we began efforts to redesign our site earlier this year and what you’re seeing today represents the results of that process.

Why the change? The Internet world moves quickly and to be frank, we felt that the original Advisor.ca site was looking a bit dated. The content was still there, but our five-year-old site needed a facelift.

So, we’ve streamlined the home page to reduce clutter, cut back on the number of zones and shifted things around to make articles, features and tools easier to find. And we’ve done all this without sacrificing any of the valuable content we’ve built over the years.

For instance, we’ve added a series of pull-down tabs at the top of the home page, where you’ll find quick access to some of our most popular features, such as our monthly special reports, Morningstar tools, template letters, tax forms and the chat forum. You can also access some of these areas via the “quick-start” menu located on the left side of the home page.

In addition, other important resources, such as savings and loan rates and the industry calendar can now be found on the home page, under the label “Industry Tracker,” along with the latest stock market and Canadian dollar data.

We’ve also modified the design of our daily e-mail bulletins to match the new site. Subscribers will notice that change starting with Tuesday’s P.M. bulletin.

Of course, all this means nothing, if you, our readers, don’t agree with the changes we’ve made. So please feel free to contact us at service@advisor.ca to tell us what you like or don’t like, and any suggestions for further improvement, keeping in mind that with a redesign of this magnitude, there are bound to be some minor glitches that we will fix as soon as we can. You can also contact me directly at the e-mail address below.

We hope you like Advisor.ca’s new look and continue to use our site to for daily industry news, investment features and practice management tips and tools.

Doug Watt, Editor, Advisor.ca, doug.watt@advisor.rogers.com


Doug Watt