Cross-border challenge explored in August’s Advisor’s Edge

By Steven Lamb | July 30, 2003 | Last updated on July 30, 2003
2 min read

(July 30, 2003) There are few countries that share such a close relationship as Canada and the U.S. It’s not uncommon for Canadians to cross the border to work, nor is it rare for Canadians to marry Americans. But these close ties can present an advisor with several challenges, which are the focus of the August issue of Advisor’s Edge.

“We have a special cross-border package this month which looks at how advisors can help clients that work in the United States but are still Canadian,” says Deanne Gage, managing editor of Advisor’s Edge. “Now, we realize that this only affects a small percentage of clients in an advisor’s client base, however, they really have some unique challenges.”

The cover story, Border Crossing, deals with Canadians who work in the U.S. and the obstacles that make their investment and tax planning more difficult.

“If you’re a Canadian advisor and you have a cross-border client, there are regulations that prohibit you from advising that client on U.S. soil,” says Gage. She gives the example of a client living in Windsor and working in Detroit. Their advisor may not legally be able to give them financial advice while they are in the U.S.

There’s also a case study in the Toolbox section on page 17 of the August issue, dealing with the intricacies of a couple moving to Arizona as a result of an intra-business job transfer. The pay might be better, but the author looks at what else our couple might have overlooked.

Also in this month’s issue, you’ll hear straight from how to build a co-operative relationship with an accountant to increase your high net worth client base.

“Kurt Rosentreter, a CA, looks at ways to get accountants on board as part of your practice,” says Gage. “[Rosentreter] explains what will really get an accountant’s attention, what will really get an accountant to really want to work for you.”

Filed by Steven Lamb,,


Steven Lamb