Continuing hedge-ucation: Intensive hedge fund course for advisors set for end of April

By Scot Blythe | March 28, 2003 | Last updated on March 28, 2003
2 min read
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    Besides providing a hedge fund accreditation, the course is also eligible for continuing education credits from Advocis and the Investment Management Consultants Association. The exam plays a large role in both the accreditation and in securing continuing education credits, Geneau says. “The fact that it’s practical information but we are also testing them on what they’ve learned makes it much more amenable to what the associations are looking for in educational programs.”

    Many organizations are turning to hedge fund education, a topic explored in an article entitled “Hedge-ucation” on page 26 of April’s Advisors’ Edge magazine.

    For her part, Geneau finds there is a pent-up demand for hedge fund education. “It’s amazing. Ever since we sent off the course overview, the phone’s been ringing off the hook.” Registration ends April 4. For registration and more course information, click here.

    The course sessions are offered every second Friday, starting April 24, at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. However, the course does extend into the conference season of June, with the exam on June 20. Geneau says there will be another session in the fall for interested advisors who can’t make the spring session.

    Filed by Scot Blythe,,


    Scot Blythe

  • Hedge funds revealed: Canadians prepare to embrace absolute return strategies
  • Demystifying hedge fund risk: How advisors build portfolios
  • Sizing up the alternatives
  • Hedge funds offer nothing new but opportunities: Analyst
  • Hedging, leverage and risk: The ABCs of absolute returns
  • Hedge fund glossary

    Besides providing a hedge fund accreditation, the course is also eligible for continuing education credits from Advocis and the Investment Management Consultants Association. The exam plays a large role in both the accreditation and in securing continuing education credits, Geneau says. “The fact that it’s practical information but we are also testing them on what they’ve learned makes it much more amenable to what the associations are looking for in educational programs.”

    Many organizations are turning to hedge fund education, a topic explored in an article entitled “Hedge-ucation” on page 26 of April’s Advisors’ Edge magazine.

    For her part, Geneau finds there is a pent-up demand for hedge fund education. “It’s amazing. Ever since we sent off the course overview, the phone’s been ringing off the hook.” Registration ends April 4. For registration and more course information, click here.

    The course sessions are offered every second Friday, starting April 24, at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. However, the course does extend into the conference season of June, with the exam on June 20. Geneau says there will be another session in the fall for interested advisors who can’t make the spring session.

    Filed by Scot Blythe,,
