
By Staff | November 15, 2006 | Last updated on November 15, 2006
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(November 15, 2006) Mackenzie Investments has announced that it will provide automatic portfolio rebalancing services for all of its mutual fund investors, free of charge.

There are no minimum account services required to qualify for the Mackenzie Guided Portfolio Service and no additional fees.

Under the program, working with their advisor, investors can create a customized portfolio of Mackenzie mutual funds by selecting options that best suit their financial goals. Investors will first choose their preferred portfolio and then decide on the range within which the funds in their portfolio may fluctuate (between 2% and 10%, in increments of 0.5%), Mackenzie said in a release.

Portfolios can be rebalanced quarterly, semi-annually or annually. For funds within Mackenzie’s capital class structure, rebalancing can be carried out without immediate tax consequences to the investor since capital gains are deferred until redemption.

“A professional advisor acts as an architect, helping an investor construct a portfolio that provides a bridge to their long-term financial goals. Rebalancing is like using a level to help ensure the portfolio stays on-balance and true to these goals,” said Jim Fraser, senior vice-president, Mackenzie Financial Services.

All Mackenzie funds are eligible for the new program except Keystone and STAR models, Mackenzie Alternative Strategies Fund and Symmetry.

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EDS wins software contract with TD Waterhouse Insurance

(November 15, 2006) EDS SOLCORP announced Wednesday that its WealthServ Insurance software will now be used at TD Waterhouse Insurance Services.

WealthServ is a web-based application allowing organizations to complete and send applications and forms, track business in real time, and view and administrate in-force business through a single interface, EDS said in a release. WealthServ is fully compliant with legislation protecting personal information and regulating electronic documents in both the U.S. and Canada.

“We’re very pleased to be chosen by TD Waterhouse Insurance Services to provide a state-of-the-art solution for managing their book of business,” said EDS vice-president Alex Sweeny. “EDS SOLCORP helps organizations like TD Waterhouse Insurance Services improve the efficiency, business retention and revenues of their businesses.”

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CCL appoints senior sales executive

(November 15, 2006) Connor, Clark & Lunn Managed Portfolios has named Rob Arnould as vice-president, sales and service. Based in Vancouver, Arnould will lead the sales and service efforts for the firm’s managed portfolio programs as well as separately managed accounts in Western Canada.

“We are very pleased to have someone with Rob’s experience and depth join our company,” said Nick Mancini, president and CEO of CC&L Managed Portfolios. “Adding talented and dedicated resources that are close to advisors in their communities allows us to provide high quality service and support to their practices.”

Arnould has extensive experience in the financial services sector, including a stint as regional sales director with AIC Private Portfolio Counsel in Vancouver.

(11/15/06) staff


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