All the best for the holiday season from the Advisor group

By Darin Diehl | December 23, 2002 | Last updated on December 23, 2002
2 min read

(December 24, 2002) There’s a ritual that journalists go through this time of year. The last couple weeks of December bring two traditions few newsrooms can escape: the “year-ender” interview and the Christmas or New Year’s “message”. is indeed posting the thoughts of some industry leaders about the year just past and the one about to begin. These year-end interviews can help set out the agenda of challenges awaiting the industry in the New Year. And in all honesty, they can be handy in what is often a slow news period.

As for the holiday message, I’ve done my share of reporting on those delivered by the Prime Minister or the Queen in years past, but this marks the first time I am authoring a message myself.

The motivation for doing so is simple. I want to thank you for your support. The staff of, along with the teams at Advisor’s Edge and Objectif Conseiller and our Advisor Forum conferences, work tirelessly throughout the year to bring you timely, relevant content designed to help you stay informed about your own industry and succeed as a financial advisor. In return we get a lot more than a paycheque. We get the satisfaction of knowing we can make a difference in your professional life.

As always, your feedback about any and all of our services is not only welcome, but also necessary. We make it our business to understand yours. When we mess up, we want to hear from you.

We appreciate your patience in our recent platform change at that lead to some interruptions of our daily bulletin delivery as well as some confusion about passwords. We have been sorting through these issues with success, thanks to our new customer service rep Mylinh Vuu.

So, again, thank you to all our readers. Thanks to the members of our editorial advisory board for your insights and guidance. Thanks to all of our contributors. And thanks as well to the many sponsors that make these services to advisors possible.

On behalf of all of us at the Advisor Group in Rogers Healthcare and Financial Publishing, I hope the challenges and opportunities of this past year have left you invigorated and ready to tackle 2003. You can count on us to help.

Darin Diehl, Content Director, Advisor Group,

Darin Diehl