Alberta’s securities head honcho takes seat as new CSA chair

By John Craig | April 8, 2003 | Last updated on April 8, 2003
1 min read

(April 8, 2003) Alberta Securities Commission head Stephen Sibold has been given the offical nod to become the new chair of the Canadian Securities Administrators, the umbrella organization for Canada’s 13 securities regulators.

Sibold takes over from British Columbia Securities Commission chair Douglas Hyndman, who served as CSA chair for the past eight years. “As I step into this role, I am, among other things, focused on continuing the development of uniform legislation for the CSA, and on improving the effectiveness of the CSA,” said Sibold in a statement.

Sibold’s appointment was confirmed at a meeting of the chairs of the 13 provincial and territorial regulators in Toronto last Thursday. Also confirmed at the same meeting was the appointment of Donne Smith, administrator of the New Brunswick Securities Administration Branch, to CSA vice-chair. Both Sibold’s and Smith’s positions are two-year terms.

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John Craig