
Which countries should worry most about unrest in Iraq?

Recent unrest in Iraq has pushed worries about oil prices back onto the front page. Based on demand alone, some countries may feel more financial pain than others.

By Gareth Watson |June 20, 2014

2 min read

5 strategies for making better decisions

The shortcomings in human decision-making abilities are well-documented, notes New York magazine. We’re often biased, over-confident and easily manipulated by our own state of being.

By Staff |June 20, 2014

1 min read

Most expensive World Cups

Ever wondered which World Cups were the most expensive to host?

By Staff |June 20, 2014

1 min read

Beware the World Cup’s effect on markets

The World Cup’s effect on the stock market proves investors’ emotions can trump reason.

By Staff |June 19, 2014

1 min read