The investment year in review, in poetic form

By Staff | December 23, 2015 | Last updated on December 23, 2015
2 min read

Mawer Investment Management is giving CIBC economist Avery Shenfeld a run for his money.

Shenfeld wrote his year in review to the tune for Adele’s Hello, and now Mawer, a Calgary-based wealth manager, has tried its hand at finance-related creativity.

Here’s their 2015 global year in review: an homage to the classic poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas.”

‘Twas the week before Christmas And never you fear We’ll again provide readers With a review of the year

Currency, oh, currency, The Swiss shocked us, it’s true Franc’s affair with the Euro Is over, it’s through!

And Greek drama continued Creditor confidence not rising A third time they default? It’s still not surprising

Yet the Greeks voted “No!” To the offer presented But down to the wire They took the deal and relented

And China began To falter in May Early gains, they reversed To investor dismay

Then, in mid-August China devalued the yuan Making everyone wonder: What’s going on?

Can China still grow? We started to doubt They told major shareholders Sorry – no getting out

Still, while we acknowledge China’s problems and vices Much of this turmoil Was captured in prices

And in Canada the impact Of oil price decline Meant a swift end To the TSX climb

Emerging Markets faced headwinds A high U.S. dollar their bane Will 2016 prove better? Or is it more of the same?

And far from complacent Were the monetary authorities Forty-three saw fit To make easing priorities

Would the Fed raise rates? First yes and then no Investors on edge Anticipation did grow

And now it’s December And the world lies in wait The markets anticipating A raised interest rate

She did it! Oh my! Yellen made the decision But will this new rate hike Cause world markets derision?

Looking back on the year Most events weren’t that sunny And that’s why we stick to Be boring. Make money. staff


The staff of have been covering news for financial advisors since 1998.