Economic Indicators

Canadian economy beats BOC forecast

Canada’s economy which came back on track in early 2010 started steaming ahead by the last quarter of 2010, according to a report by Statistics Canada. Surging exports (4.0%) and strong consumers demand (1.2%). emerged as the leading growth engines that fuelled a 3.3% annualized rate of growth in the fourth quarter, up from 1.8% […]

By Vikram Barhat |February 28, 2011

2 min read

Arab unrest latest threat to European markets

Political unrest has raged across the Middle East and North Africa for much of 2011. Aside from the tragic human cost in the region, the knock-on effects pose a threat well beyond the Arab world, which could derail the global economic recovery. Oil prices have spiked around the world, although promises from Saudi Arabia to […]

By Steven Lamb |February 25, 2011

3 min read

Homeownership costs ease

Clients saving for a new home purchase can breathe a sigh of relief—the cost of ownership eased for the second quarter in a row, according to RBC Economics’ Housing Trends and Affordability report. During the last quarter of 2010, the national reading of the RBC Housing Affordability Measure declined between 0.4% and 0.8% across the […]

By Steven Lamb |February 24, 2011

2 min read

Smaller Asian markets come to the fore: Study

Senior investment executives from around the world are moving their bets to small Asian economies, having cashed some of their chips in traditional emerging markets, according to RBC Capital Markets Survey.

By Vikram Barhat |February 14, 2011

3 min read