Economic Indicators

Soft confidence threatens U.S. recovery

The U.S. government has bought itself some breathing room on its financing, but the debate and brinkmanship leading up to the deal has crushed the nation’s already fragile consumer confidence. Slightly more than half (54%) of Americans say the debate weakened their confidence in the economy, according to the RBC Consumer Outlook Index for the […]

By Staff |August 4, 2011

2 min read

U.S. debt: Not off the hook yet

Debt Crisis Update Washington may have reached a deal on its debt ceiling, but it still can’t catch a break from ratings agencies. Moody’s Investor Services has re-affirmed the U.S. government’s Aaa rating, but has changed its outlook on the world’s biggest economy to “negative”. Moody’s had placed the rating under review on July 13. […]

By Staff |August 3, 2011

2 min read

Weekly Pulse: Running Out of Time

The weather around here has been pretty hot lately but it’s been even hotter in Washington, D.C., where Democrats and Republicans have been locked in a pitched battle over the debt ceiling, the credit cap that Congress puts on the national debt. In what is normally a mundane legislative process worthy of C-Span television coverage, […]

By David Andrews |August 2, 2011

5 min read