Economic Indicators

Capital flees emerging markets

Global investors are offloading emerging markets assets for more liquid securities. How are you advising clients? capital exoduses since 2008. Deepening fears over global recession and Eurozone debt crisis have hammered emerging stocks, which have fallen 22% since August 1, creating the perfect opportunity for Canadian investors to make a structural shift of portfolio allocations […]

By Staff |September 22, 2011

1 min read

Greece teeters on default

With Greece on the edge of default, president Obama has drawn a hard line on deficit reduction, aimed at mimicking the tactics of his GOP counterparts.

By Staff |September 20, 2011

1 min read

U.S. Fed between rock and a hard place

Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke just can’t win. The markets are pressuring him to take more action to stimulate growth and assuage investor fears, while GOP presidential candidates are leaning for less action.

By Staff |September 19, 2011

1 min read

Get the most for your laid-off clients

When a client’s job security is on shaky ground, an advisor has to be prepared. This means helping their client get the best possible severance package and making sure they have enough money to safely tread water while searching for a new job.

By Jonathan Linds |September 14, 2011

4 min read