Economic Indicators

Wood you buy this investment?

Have your clients considered investing in timberland? If your answer’s no, that’s not a surprise.

June 13, 2012

4 min read

Portugal 3, Denmark 2, Markets 0

Portugal bested Denmark 3-2 today in a nail-biting Group B Euro 2012 match, thanks to a stunning goal by substitute Silvestre Varela. Without knowing it, Varela may have also dealt a blow to the Copenhagen stock market.

By Melissa Shin |June 13, 2012

1 min read

The hottest Canadian labour sectors are…

Do you have any engineers or construction workers as clients? If so, tell them they can count themselves as lucky; even as employment rates have slowed in Canada—stalling in May after two months of gains—these two sectors were voted “most likely to succeed” and “most popular” by Canadians. So, while they may be worried about […]

June 12, 2012

2 min read

Canada’s GDP will grow by 2.6%: RBC

Canada's economic growth was subdued in the Q1 2012, but is expected to gain ground, says the latest RBC Economic Outlook.

By Staff |June 12, 2012

4 min read