Economic Indicators

Advisors optimistic about U.S.

Canadian advisors are bullish on the U.S.

By Staff |June 26, 2012

1 min read

Canada’s listing needs justify seperate exchange

Canada will keep its exchange. So said panelists at the Canadian Equity Market conference, presented by Ontario Securities Commission and IIROC in Toronto today.

By Philip Porado |June 26, 2012

2 min read

Volcker Rule essential: CFA

Banks may be fighting the Volcker rule, but industry professionals would welcome stricter trading regulation for large banks and institutions. In the aftermath of JP Morgan’s trading loss, Jim Allen, CFA, says the fact that a major bank was caught is good for your clients, with “arguments for a lighter-touch Volcker Rule now sounding hollow.”

June 26, 2012

6 min read

Should China float the Yuan?

China’s decision to double the trading band of its currency has revived talk of it becoming a potential alternative to the U.S. dollar as reserve currency. However, the move will have little meaning for investors in the near term.

By Vikram Barhat |June 26, 2012

3 min read