Economic Indicators

Moderation on tap for Canadian housing market

Canadian real estate markets demonstrated remarkable resilience in 2012 – with home sales up or on par in 65% of major centres – despite considerable headwinds in terms of tighter financing and economic uncertainty abroad. The trend is expected to continue, with home-buying activity propped-up by low interest rates and an improved economic picture in 2013, according to a report released today by RE/MAX.

By Staff |November 14, 2012

3 min read

The right way to read volatile markets

Though America is going through a substantial deleveraging process, it doesn't mean another recession is around the corner.

November 14, 2012

2 min read

Poll: Women confident managing own portfolios

The majority of women who manage their investments online feel they’ve been successful at closely matching or outperforming the markets, according to the International TD Women Investor Poll.

By Staff |November 14, 2012

2 min read

Global trade to rebound: HSBC

HSBC’s Trade Forecast outlines a dual-speed trade rebound as South-South corridors become more established, driving growth to 2015 before being rejoined by the developed world in the later part of the decade.

By Staff |November 14, 2012

3 min read