Economic Indicators

Japan stuck in recession

Japan’s economy is in weaker shape than most experts think, reports

By Staff |February 14, 2013

1 min read

Prairie cities to have best economic growth in 2013

Saskatoon and Regina will be the fastest growing metropolitan economies in the country this year. Calgary and Edmonton are also forecast to have some of the strongest growth rates in the country, but neither are "booming" like they were prior to the 2008-09 recession, according to the the Conference Board of Canada's Metropolitan Outlook-Winter 2013 forecast for 28 Canadian census metropolitan areas (CMA).

By Staff |February 14, 2013

3 min read

Sharp contraction in Eurozone economy

The Eurozone’s fragile economic recovery hit another bump as official data for the fourth quarter of 2012 show a 0.6% quarter-on-quarter contraction. This is the fastest rate at which the bloc has shrunk since the 2008 crash, deepening the region’s recession, reports As a result, the euro, whose recent gains fuelled worries about the […]

By Staff |February 14, 2013

1 min read

Don’t spurn global equities

Equities are making a comeback and early buyers will benefit from market upswings.

By Dean DiSpalatro |February 14, 2013

2 min read