Economic Indicators

Choose auto sector bonds

Fixed-income investors should look to the high-yield market.

By Dean DiSpalatro |May 14, 2013

2 min read

UK backs possible LIBOR replacement

Regulatory authorities across the globe want to restore investors’ faith in interest rate benchmarks.

May 13, 2013

1 min read

Did Bloomberg spy on JP Morgan, Goldman?

Bloomberg is in the hot seat today as it's questioned by two of its largest clients.

May 10, 2013

1 min read

Americans pay down debt

Since the financial crisis, U.S. households have reduced their outstanding debt by about $1.3 trillion, reports the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Read: Boomers risk straining finances to support adult children This includes a reduction in mortgages and credit card debt. In fact, credit card debt fell $1.7 billion to $846 billion from February to […]

By Staff, with files from The Associated Press |May 10, 2013

2 min read