Economic Indicators

Home sales up in May

Canadian home sales continue to climb, rising 3.6% in May from April, shows new stats by the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA).

By Staff |June 17, 2013

1 min read

Investors confident about markets

Canadian investors are optimistic about their personal portfolios and the country's economy over the next 12 months, shows a new TD study.

By Staff |June 17, 2013

1 min read

Apple agrees to release customer data

U.S. law enforcement agencies have asked Apple to release customer data to help aid in criminal and national security matters. And Apple has agreed, reports But Apple reassures its customers it does not “provide any government agency with direct access to our servers, and any government agency requesting customer content must get a court […]

June 17, 2013

1 min read

Hard to reverse QE: FT

Central banks want to step back from quantitative easing, a policy used to help economic recovery, but it won’t be easy, says former banker Satyajit Das in a Financial Times op-ed.

By Staff |June 17, 2013

1 min read