Economic Indicators

QE is useless, says former Fed official

Quantitative easing isn’t working, former Federal Reserve official Andrew Huszar told CNBC yesterday.

By Staff |November 13, 2013

1 min read

Holiday shoppers to spend more without adding debt

Overall holiday spending is on the rise in 2013, but the money isn’t going to gifts, says the RBC Canadian Consumer Outlook.

By Staff |November 13, 2013

1 min read

Making tuition tax credits fairer

Post-secondary tax credits cost the federal and provincial governments billions of dollars each year, but are not distributed equitably and may have no proven effect in boosting enrolment, says the C.D. Howe Institute.

By Staff |November 13, 2013

2 min read

Debt hurts families

Almost half (44%) of Canadian parents are concerned about how their children would be affected if they weren't able to reduce their amount of debt.

By Staff |November 13, 2013

1 min read