Economic Indicators

Paying down debt top priority for 2014

Paying down debt remains the top priority for Canadians in 2014, the fourth year in a row that debt concerns have topped CIBC’s year-ahead poll.

By Staff |January 3, 2014

2 min read

Living to a healthy old age without going broke

Nearly twice as many Québecers as last year are resolving to improve their finances in 2014, shows a survey for Laurentian Bank.

By Staff |January 3, 2014

1 min read

Consumer confidence hits three-year high

Consumer confidence in Canada climbed steadily throughout 2013 and reached its highest point since early 2011. Read: 2014 retail outlook: more American giants to move in The Investors Group-Harris Decima Index of Consumer Confidence stood at 77.6 in the first quarter of this year, moving to 79.7 in the second quarter, 81.2 in the third, […]

By Staff |December 30, 2013

2 min read

Auto sales to accelerate in 2014

More people are buying cars across the globe.

By Staff |December 30, 2013

1 min read