Economic Indicators

Laid-off oil and gas workers leaving industry

Many oil and gas veterans are deciding there days are over in the industry.

By Ian Bickis, Canadian Press |January 27, 2016

2 min read

Business owners strongly oppose the ORPP

Seven in 10 Ontario business owners say the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP) would force them to freeze salaries, reports CFIB.

By Staff |January 26, 2016

2 min read

OSC names new chair and CEO

Maureen Jensen has been nominated as the new chair and CEO of the OSC, subject to review by the Standing Committee on Government Agencies.

By Staff |January 26, 2016

1 min read

Canadians hoarding cash amid volatility

Canadians are holding a record $75 billion in extra cash and continue to sock away money at a rate not seen in more than four years.

By Staff |January 26, 2016

3 min read